Astro Binoculars Buying Guide
This might come as a surprise but binoculars are actually one of the best ways to get started in astronomy ...

Meade Infinity 102mm AZ Refractor Telescope Review
The Meade Infinity 102mm AZ Refractor Telescope is the largest aperture telescope in Meade Instruments' Infinity line of refractors. It was ...

Orion SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian Telescope Review
You might have noticed that we're big fans of Dobsonian telescopes especially for beginners. They're simple to setup, easy to ...

Orion StarBlast 6 Astro Reflector Telescope Review
A 6-inch Dobsonian reflector telescope is just too big and awkward for some people. Finding the storage space in your ...

Best Telescopes for Kids
Buying a telescope for your child is a bit of a dilemma. If you suspect that their interest in astronomy ...

Total Solar Eclipse 2017
Something strange will happen on Monday August 21, 2017. Daylight will turn into darkness, temperatures will drop, the sound of ...

Best Budget Telescope
Many aspiring backyard astronomers have purchased a cheap beginner telescope only to be frustrated and disappointed by an experience that didn't meet ...

Best Telescope For Beginners
A beginner who is seriously interested in astronomy should plan to spend between $300 and $400 when buying their first telescope ...

Glossary of Astronomy Terms
You've probably seen or heard many unfamiliar terms while researching telescopes. We've included the definitions of some of the most ...

Best Astronomy Books For Beginners
If you're new to astronomy and not sure where to begin or how to get started, we strongly suggest picking ...